Red Light Therapy vs. Infrared Sauna Therapy

There are many beneficial remedies to aid your body’s natural recovery. Whether you’re an athlete or just want to promote healthy rejuvenation, be sure to know the proper techniques. Two common recovery techniques are red light therapy and infrared sauna therapy. However, while they may seem similar, there are actually a few distinct differences between them. Read this guide on red light therapy versus infrared sauna therapy to learn more.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a type of light therapy designed to treat facial blemishes like wrinkles, scars, redness, and acne. It uses low-wavelength red light via low-level lasers, non-thermal LED light, soft lasers, cold lasers, or biostimulation. Wavelengths range between 600 to 650nm to penetrate up to 5mm below the skin’s surface. Red light therapy has been found to boost collagen production for faster rejuvenation and some metabolic effects.

Infrared Sauna Therapy

On the other hand, there’s infrared sauna therapy. Whereas red light therapy uses photonic energy to raise body temperature, an infrared sauna uses lower heat radiation to do so. It can increase sweating and heart rate at lower temperatures than conventional saunas. Infrared therapy uses wavelengths ranging from 700 and 1000nm between near-infrared, mid-infrared, and far-infrared wavelengths depending on the heat transmitted. Infrared saunas have been shown to improve the cardiovascular system. This therapy can also help with weight loss, joint pain, circulation, high blood pressure, and muscle soreness.

Which Is Better?

Naturally, the question remains of which is better: red-light therapy or infrared sauna therapy? The main difference is the energy involved. Red light therapy uses photonic energy compared to infrared sauna therapy, which uses heat wavelengths. Both promote cell rejuvenation and reduce stress on the cardiovascular system. Still, while you can use infrared sauna therapy with red-light therapy, the opposite is not the same. Both provide unique benefits. Red light therapy is best used for surface-level issues but can aid with tendinitis and hair loss. Infrared sauna therapy is best used for muscle soreness, pain relief, and relaxation.

If you’re interested in learning more about infrared sauna therapy, come visit us at Air Cryo. We offer infrared sauna therapy to alleviate body pain, kill harmful bacteria, and increase weight loss. Help promote your body’s natural detoxification process with an infrared sauna therapy session today. Call now to learn more!

Reduces Headaches and Migraines

Lastly, cryotherapy helps reduce headaches and migraines. One of the worst symptoms of mental health issues is a pulsating headache. Stress, anxiety, and nervousness worsen these headaches, possibly turning them into a migraine. Many people apply an ice pack to their heads for temporary relief. Alternatively, cryotherapy applies cooling nerve numbing to the neck and carotid arteries. Given that these arteries pump blood to the brain, the numbing effect reduces headache and migraine pain, leading to greater quality of life.

With all that said, if you’re looking for a cryotherapy center in Michigan, check out Air Cryo Therapy. We offer cryotherapy, an infrared sauna, an oxygen bar, and compression therapies to help treat mood disorders and physical injuries or pain. Come once, or sign up for a monthly membership. Your brain and body will thank you. Call now with any questions about how our treatments can help your health and wellness.

Does Cryotherapy Release Endorphins?

Yes — or, more specifically, it causes the body to release more endorphins than it usually does. As the body’s internal temperature drops significantly, your brain and other organs release certain hormones as well as brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, like endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin (the feel-good hormones). It may be that this is a defensive mechanism. For example, in times of danger, the body releases adrenaline so that a person can escape the danger or fight their way to safety.Similarly, neurochemicals like endorphins may be released automatically by the body in times of physiological stress. Since high endorphin levels make you feel better and relieve feelings of exhaustion or fatigue, endorphin production may have been useful for ensuring our human ancestors’ survival in harsh environments.

What Are Endorphins?

Endorphins are specialized neurochemicals that the body releases into the bloodstream for various reasons and under certain pressures or stressors. Endorphins’ primary effect in relieving pain, discomfort, or stress in the body, which is where their name comes from; the word is a mixture of endogenous and morphine, as the endorphin is a natural pain reliever. At the chemical level, endorphins are made up of large groups of peptides produced by the pituitary gland in the brain and central nervous system. Once released, endorphins bind to opiate receptors in the brain, boosting good feelings and reducing pain. The resulting feeling is overall pleasant and relaxing.In most cases, the body releases endorphins whenever there is a lot of pain or stress. However, endorphins can also be released through wellness practices like meditation, massage therapy, and acupuncture. In this way, endorphins are fairly similar to the “feel good” hormone dopamine, though they are slightly different.